Marriage Contracts Lawyers

Getting married is a happy occasion. It’s a time for you and your partner to celebrate your love for one another. However, it also means you are entering into a legal relationship. As such, it is crucial to understand your rights and obligations within the relationship and, like any legal contract, put the necessary safeguards in place.

Despite the joy that marriage may bring, not all relationships stand the test of time. As a result, you have to make provisions for if the relationship doesn’t work out. Our marriage contract lawyers help to create legally enforceable paperwork and help to enforce existing contracts such as prenuptial agreements.

The objective is to help our clients outline the terms and conditions of their marriage, addressing issues like property division, spousal support, and other financial matters in the event of a divorce or separation. Should you have to enforce your existing marriage agreements, we will stand by your side to do so.

Just because you draw up a marriage contract doesn’t mean you have doubts about your relationship; it simply means that you protect your rights on the legal side of things. In fact, marriage contracts are widespread among married couples. But how do you get started, and what should you include? An excellent place to start is by getting in touch with our marriage contracts lawyer.

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Types of Family Law Agreements

Marriage Agreements

Marriage agreements, or domestic contracts, are comprehensive contracts entered into by couples regarding their marriage. They are proactive in nature, allowing couples to define the terms of their marriage and address potential issues that may arise in the future. They can include provisions related to property division, financial responsibilities, custody and access issues, and other aspects of the marriage.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is signed before marriage, outlining each party’s financial arrangements and responsibilities. Postnuptial agreements, on the other hand, are entered into after marriage but serve a similar purpose. Both agreements can address issues such as property division, alimony, and debt allocation after a relationship breakdown.

Separation Agreements

Separation agreements are designed for couples who are already married but have decided to live separately or are contemplating divorce. A separation agreement establishes the terms of the separation in the case of a relationship breakdown, including matters such as child custody, spousal support, and the division of assets and debts after the relationship or marriage ends together.

Cohabitation Agreements

While not exclusive to married couples, cohabitation agreements are relevant for couples in a common-law relationship or who choose to live together without getting married. A cohabitation agreement is a type of domestic contract that caters specifically to the needs and circumstances of unmarried couples in long-term relationships.

Why Should You Consider a Marriage Contract?

Asset Protection

Marriage contracts provide a framework for protecting individual assets and property rights, particularly in the case of significant wealth disparities between spouses.

Financial Clarity

These agreements can establish clear guidelines for financial responsibilities during the marriage and in the event of a divorce or separation.

Business Interests

Couples with business interests may use marriage contracts to safeguard their business assets and prevent potential conflicts.

Alimony and Spousal Support

Marriage contracts can stipulate the terms of alimony or spousal support, providing clarity and avoiding potential disputes in the event of a divorce.

Debt Allocation

In addition to assets, marriage contracts can outline how debts acquired during the marriage will be divided, offering financial protection to both spouses.

How to Get Started

Consultation with a Lawyer

The process typically begins with a consultation with one of our marriage contracts lawyers. During this meeting, we assess the couple’s needs, explain the legal implications of the contract, and provide guidance on the appropriate type of agreement. It’s crucial for each party to have independent legal advice and representation to ensure fairness and legality.

Drafting the Contract

We then draft the marriage contract based on the couple’s preferences and legal requirements. This includes specifying details such as property division, the spousal support payable, and any other relevant provisions.

Negotiation and Review

The couple reviews the draft with their respective lawyers and may engage in negotiations to ensure both parties are satisfied with the terms.

Signing and Execution

Once both parties are comfortable with the terms, the marriage contract is signed by both spouses, often in the presence of witnesses. Upon execution, the contract becomes legally binding.

Can You Get Out of Domestic Contracts?

While marriage contracts are legally binding, they may be subject to challenges or revisions under certain circumstances. Common reasons for contesting a marriage contract include:

Lack of Full Disclosure

If one party fails to provide full and honest financial disclosure when creating the contract, this may be grounds for contestation.

Coercion or Duress

If a party can prove that they were forced or coerced into signing the contract, a court may find the agreement invalid.


If the terms of the contract are deemed extremely unfair or unconscionable at the time of signing, a court may intervene.


If the contract violates existing laws or public policy, it may be rendered invalid.

The Value of Legal Advice

The expertise of a marriage contracts lawyer is invaluable throughout the process of creating, negotiating, and executing any relationship or marriage agreement. At DLegal, our lawyers possess a deep understanding of Alberta family law and relevant legislation, like the Family Law Act and the Family Property Act (which replaced the Matrimonial Property Act in 2020) and all related family law agreements, ensuring that your marriage agreements comply with legal requirements.

We understand that each couple’s situation is unique and can provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances. We can facilitate negotiations between you and your spouse, ensuring that the final contract is fair and mutually agreeable. Together, we will create contracts that are less likely to be contested or invalidated, reducing the risk of legal disputes in the future and ultimately bringing you peace of mind. 


Marriage Contracts Lawyers

INDEPENDENT LEGAL ADVICE $995 (No Children) or $1195 (With Children)

* The flat rate applies to the first draft and does not include GST, disbursements, consultations, revisions, and extra services.

Lawyer & Notary
Anna Dunaeva

Anna perpetually works to surpass her clients' expectations. Through continuous communication, Anna delivers on her commitment to keep clients at the centre of her practice.

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